Revolutionizing Workforce Learning: From Email Memos to MicroLearning On-the-Go

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Rekindle Learning Case Studies

In an era where we’re 3D printing Vincent van Gogh’s ear and making AI-driven medical predictions, isn’t it curious that our approach to equipping our workforces with critical organizational knowledge remains somewhat primitive? Picture this: launching cutting-edge products, complying with new industry regulations, deploying a new ERP or CRM system, or embracing a digital transformation strategy. How do we tackle these challenges? Often, it’s like bringing a knife to a gunfight.

Our response typically involves lengthy emails, workshop sessions, and PowerPoint presentations—a big bang tick-box exercise with minimal impact. In a world where the modern worker juggles family, work, commutes, and social media, they only have approximately 24 minutes a week to learn. Shouldn’t learning and adapting to workplace changes be seamlessly integrated into our lives?

Learning, whether it’s a new customer service strategy, negotiation tactics, or industry compliance, should be as easily consumable as our email and social media—bite-sized, on-demand, and on-the-go. Given that the opportunity to grow and learn is a top reason people take a job, why aren’t more companies getting this right?

The evolution of technology, work methodologies, business models, and industry regulations demands continuous learning and development. Enter Rekindlelearning Microlearning app- an app with short videos and interactive content, a key part of the employee experience supporting continuous learning. Whether it’s during your commute, from the comfort of your bed, or in those pockets of dead time during the day, microlearning provides accessible, ongoing education, ensuring skills remain relevant.

So, when pondering how to bridge the gap between executives and the rest of the organization, align teams across the country, or accelerate the uptake of new product segments, consider:

  • What meaningful engagement have teams had with this topic to position them to perform?
  • How do we rapidly share new knowledge and insights?
  • How do we measure organizational understanding on a particular issue?
  • How are we positioned to keep learning and adapting?

Let’s revolutionize the way we approach learning, aligning it with the modern worker’s lifestyle—one bite at a time.


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